So, if you've come here for a 100 list thing about me doo-dad, I've sadly lead you astray. I'm sick of the list, and in all honesty? I was sorta working through some things when I wrote it and find that I'm just not that person anymore. So much has changed me that a list no longer describes that I've decided to just put that into a draft and make this more of a about me page for all of those truly interested in the real escence of yours truly!

I'm the youngest of 3 girls raised in a single family home. I was raised solely by my Mom and find myself extremely close to her. My father and I have always had a tumultuous relationship and are in that tumultuous period as we speak. That doesn't mean I don't love him but it does mean I've accepted the limits to our relationship and find myself at peace with it. Being the youngest of 3 girls you can just imagine all the drama that ensues in my family. We tend to be bitchy at times and turn on each other faster than a revolving door. At the moment I'm the butt of the joke and that is also perfectly okay with me because I still love my siblings despite their tendency to be porcupines. It's been a growth experience for me as I have learned to finally "leave and cleave" and become closer to my husband.

My husband is my best friend. We met when I was 17 years old while I worked retail paying my way through Private school. He is a year younger than me and we stayed best friends for 8 whole years, completely platonic I promise until October 2000 when I finally pronounced my love for him, which shocked him, he had no clue but was also in love with me so he proposed just 4 weeks later. We were engaged for over 2 years thanks to the crazy family members mentioned above who believed our relationship was unhealthy but eventually saw I was not backing down and that their fears where really just ludicrous and yes I have forgiven them for that. We have been happily married since December 2002 although his job forces to live in what I kindly call Antarctica. I have learned to love it here though, thanks to a supportive friend who promised me it would only take 5 years to make that statement.

On December 27, 2005 we welcomed our first child, Camille into our little family after 36 hours of delightful labor, a blood transfusion and double pneumonia later. I became a stay at home Mom upon her arrival and don't regret a moment of it, thank you very much. I love being home with her and have not missed working outside of the home and pray that I never have to go back, although I know intellectually that is crazy, I will go back. My daughter has taught me the true meaning of loving another human being and I believe has made me a better wife.

We are expecting our second daughter, Rosemary, sometime in January, they say the 25th but I'm fully prepared to have her in February seeing that her sister stayed in as long as possible. The thought of having two girls is just wonderful to me and I'm completely excited to have her in our family. I am also a little freaked out as I know the first 6-8 weeks will be utter chaos and I don't do good with chaos.

Which brings us to another point: I am OCD. I laugh about it. D laughs about it. But seriously, I'm crazy in some ways and too is perfectly okay with me. I will NOT stop the microwave on anything other than a number which is divisible by 5 nor do I listen to the radio or the TV set to a volume which is not divisible by 5. However, I eat only in pairs, I like eating with things divisible by 2, especially candy like M&M's and Skittles. I am obsessive about my floors so if you come and visit, please for the love of things holy and pure PLEASE TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES. I hate dirt on my floors and enjoy my weekly sessions with my therapist vacuum. I also clean like a freak and can only relax at night when everything has been put away. I live by the motto "A place for everything and everything in it's place" said by Rosey the robot from the Jensen's when she went looney. Yes, I realize in that episode the chip inside of her went haywire and made her clean a little to much, but ever since I heard that, I adopted it, I think I was 10. I used to be obsessive about money pretty much the same way I am about my floors but becoming a stay at home Mom and partly cured me of that.

I am a Christian. That is something you should know and accept and if you don't like it, you'll have to go suck an egg. I am not a bandwagon Christian and go with the flow but I do hold my faith in Christ and my relationship with Christ very personally. I don't believe standing in a garage makes you a Christian just like going to church makes you a Christian. I am a liberal and most would label me a democrat so tell me? How does fit into your profile of a Christian?

posted by The Queen B at 8:34 PM


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